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There is no chance, no fate, no destiny...that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a DETERMINED SOUL!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well today is wednessday and I have 18 shirts to iron, I tried to pay Kami $2 a shirt to help me iron them all, she said no. So after contemplating and procrastinating, I made Kami call the dry cleaners and they only charge $1.75 a shirt to iron, so guess who is ironing now? Well I did iron 2 shirts so Kent could work the next 2 days but that was as much wifey stuff as I could handle.

Today actually started off kinda lazy, I didn't get out of be till 10, Woke up at 7 but everytime I rolled over nothing hurt so I just chilled with the fox 5 news, fed the horses in my jammies. Anyway other than being a lazy day, it seems like a good one. I plan to go out after bit and work on the tractor again I am trying to get my garden started. I have lots of room if anyone wants to make a garden here, of course that would require you coming out sometime to at least plant it and harvest it....... OK, so I love you all (and thanks again to Emily for setting up my blog) mom/dj

1 comment:

tony said...

really? you call that lazy? i didnt even go to work today and barely got off the couch.....and it wore me out. Now thats pretty lazy :) beat that mamma!