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Thursday, March 26, 2009

News from the latest tests

Doctor has confirmed that colonoscopy was good. He found no cancer, no tumors or palyps but a few hemroids likely from the drugs she has been on. The ultrasound scans on her legs found no other blood clots. He is concerned however that she is still having some difficulty breathing. He thinks that the clots that small shouldnt be causing that much discomfort. He is having a pulmonologist see her tomorrow to follow up and track down the issue. He saw her briefly tonight and agreed there is more at work in her lungs than just the clots. In his quick assessment, most indications point to an infection of some sort like pnuemonia. He will run a few more tests and some more chest scans. Her hands are cramping a lot so they will check her magnesium, calcium and potasium levels in the am. They are gonna meet with her cancer doctors tomorrow to discuss meds (what drugs can go with what drugs kind of thing) and possible concerns and a new game plan...... More tomorrow

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