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There is no chance, no fate, no destiny...that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a DETERMINED SOUL!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Have you looked around your world and really saw what is out there ? I thought that I had, but after the shock wore off of being told that I have advanced breast cancer at 48 years old, I realized that I had no clue how beautiful our world is. I have always been able to find peace and comfort in the outdoor world, it just relaxes me and humbles me before our Father. But the true beauty out there,,,,I am still finding !

The day we all got the fateful news in February of 2007, was my daughter Tawni's birthday, how horrible for her. We all cried, those who could be there with us that day were there, and others we called as soon as we could talk, family members were waiting by phones. CANCER..... it doesn't effect just the person who has the illness, it gets everyone in the path. But I have learned that it is also a blessing, it has opened my eyes and my heart, it has given me patience and forgiveness, and it has shown me all that I have to be thankful for.

It wasn't easy to try to be strong and stay positive, and I wish I could say that I didn't have melt downs, I did ! I remember days that I was too sick and tired to get up and do much more than feed my animals. Then shortly I would lie on the bed or couch and dose off. I was one of the luck ones, I had a lot of family to help me.

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